BL blogpost: In praise of the psalms

I have written another blogpost for the Medieval Manuscripts blog of the British Library!  This one is on a manuscript, Harley MS 2928, which we catalogued for the Polonsky England and France 700-1200 project, which turned out to include a copy of a text which I know very well.  De laude psalmorum (‘In praise of…

Divination for a day of birth

This is my 100th blogpost on For the Wynn! In celebration of this, I am going to share a full version of a fascinating little text which I mentioned briefly in this blogpost for the British Library’s Medieval Manuscripts blog: a divinatory text by which you can discover a person’s fortune based on the position…

BL blogpost: A medieval guide to predicting your future

Which day of the month is bad for starting a new project? How do you find possessions which have been stolen from you? What will your fortune be? Medieval people knew the answers to these questions! Find out in my new blogpost for the British Library’s Medieval Manuscripts blog.

BL blogpost: How many alphabets?

As part of my work on the Polonsky Foundation England and France digitisation programme at the British Library last year, I wrote a blogpost on the different writing systems used in early medieval Latin manuscripts.  This has just been published on the Library’s Digitised Manuscripts blog, in conjunction with the new exhibition Writing: Making Your…

BL blogpost: Cats, get off the page!

Together with my colleague Eleanor Jackson, I have written another blogpost for the British Library’s Medieval Manuscripts blog for your post-Christmas enjoyment.  What can we tell about manuscripts which have feline pawprints all over them?  Pour yourself a glass of mulled wine and enjoy.  And get that cat off your keyboard. Cats, get off the…

BL blogpost: Wynflæd and the price of fashion

There is a new post on the British Library’s Medieval Manuscripts Blog today, by my colleague Alison Hudson, to which I have contributed.  It’s on a text which I have written about here before, the will of Wynflæd, the earliest surviving will by an English woman. Wynflæd and the price of fashion

BL blogpost: Naming a royal baby

Together with my colleague Alison Hudson, I have written a blogpost for the British Library’s Medieval Manuscripts Blog on early medieval royal names.  Enjoy! Naming a royal baby