A treasure-chest of pearls

Þas þing synt earfoðe on Englisc to secganne, se we wyllað þurh Cristes fultum hig onwreon, swa wel swa we betst magon, and þas meregrota þam beforan lecgan þe þisra gyman wyllað.  Þæs anes dæges wanung, hu he byð geworden binnan nigontyne wintrum we wyllað gecyðan. These things are difficult to say in English, but…

BL blogpost: How many alphabets?

As part of my work on the Polonsky Foundation England and France digitisation programme at the British Library last year, I wrote a blogpost on the different writing systems used in early medieval Latin manuscripts.  This has just been published on the Library’s Digitised Manuscripts blog, in conjunction with the new exhibition Writing: Making Your…