Get well soon (Anglo-Saxon style)

I can remember exactly when it was that I discovered Anglo-Saxon medicine. For one of my undergraduate assessments in Old English, I had to write an edition, translation and commentary of an Old English text – in my case, a riddle. The speaker (I won’t ruin the riddle by giving its solution: you can find…

Like, pray, share: Anglo-Saxon prayer memes

So you’re scrolling through your Facebook feed, and one of those memes pops up. You know what I mean. Either it’s a sick child who needs your prayers (‘1 like = 100 prayers!’), or a cursed photo of a hellwraith (‘like and share or you’ll die tonight!!’), or simply an inspirational image which will give…

When research meets reality: Anglo-Saxons in the present day

When all of the people that you are studying died around a millennium or so ago, it’s easy to feel far removed from your subject matter. Every now and then, however, something pops up to make me think that the Anglo-Saxon era was not so long ago after all – though perhaps none of these…