‘This land is so hard it maketh unlusty and irked!’ Mankind and motivation

Hello.  This is a post about the late medieval play called Mankind.  I appeared in HIDden Theatre‘s productions of it in November 2015 and April 2016 and had absolutely every intention of writing blogposts about the play at both those times.  Honest.  I just never quite got around to it. Today, the sixth of September,…

Making Mischief – An Interview with a ‘Mankind’ cast member

As we continue to get ready for our upcoming Mankind revival, we sat down to have a chat with one of our actors. Kate Thomas is playing Mischief, one of the demonic, vice characters of the play. Sh… Source: Making Mischief – An Interview with a ‘Mankind’ cast member

Learning your lines: on plays and prayerbooks

When I started blogging last month, I planned to at least begin by writing one post a week, although I knew that I was unlikely to keep that up; I have a number of projects on at the moment. In particular, I recently spent two weeks in intensive rehearsals for HIDden Theatre‘s production of the…